There are regular spins every weekend throughout the year and evening spins during the summer months. For convenience we use colour codes to identify each spin group. Currently we run the following set of leisure groups:

  1. Red Group Spin – averaging about 20-22 kph and riding distances up to 70k on Sundays only.
  2. Orange Group Spin – averaging 22-24 kph and riding distances up to 70k on Saturdays and Sundays.
  3. Yellow Group Spin – averaging 24-26 kph and riding distances up to 90k on Saturdays and Sundays.
  4. Green Group Spin – averaging 26-28 kph and riding distances up to 90k on Saturdays and Sundays.
  5. Blue Group Spin – this is a racing average and riding distances up to 100k during the off season generally on Sundays.

Get in touch and we’ll figure out which spin is suitable for you.

All road bike group spins start from the same location which is the Johnny Fox Memorial, Kilmacanogue Roundabout unless otherwise stated. The information on each spin is posted on the Bray Wheelers website where spin leader, distance and route are all available to view before you choose your spin. There is some parking close by in Kilmacanogue also.

All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours. Club spins are weather dependent and will not take place if there is an Orange weather warning. For Yellow weather warnings and other adverse weather conditions like frost/ice spin leaders will advise closer to time. Check the website for updates on summer evening spins.

Spins aim not to leave anybody behind, and if you are close to the required pace, you will be looked after by the spin leader, but please don’t be over ambitious, choose a spin that’s right for you and work your way up the groups.

Orange Group Spin - averaging 22–24 kph and riding distances up to 70k on Saturdays and Sundays. All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours.

Yellow Group Spin – averaging 24–26 kph and riding distances up to 90k on Saturdays and Sundays. All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours.

Red Group Spin

January 26

Red Group Spin – averaging about 20-22 kph and riding distances up to 70k on Sundays only.All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours.

Yellow Group Spin – averaging 24–26 kph and riding distances up to 90k on Saturdays and Sundays. All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours.