Bray Wheelers have CX training sessions on a Tuesday night for all members throughout the winter.

The club also organises a day of cyclocross racing, the Belmont Demesne Cyclocross GP, every November, an event which always proves very popular.

Cyclocross is one of the fastest growing disciplines of cycling in Ireland. Races are held throughout the country from October to January and cater for all ages and abilities from under 6 to over 60 years old. They are in an off-road setting over a course from two to three kilometres in length, incorporating grass, mud, gravel, forestry, and obstacles both man-made and natural, where competitors have to dismount and run with their bikes. Senior races last for one hour and the underage races are held over a shorter time frame on a shorter course. Cyclocross is an ideal way to get into racing and it’s also a great way to keep fit during the winter. It’s also a great way to improve your bike handling skills.

Yellow Group Spin – averaging 24–26 kph and riding distances up to 90k on Saturdays and Sundays. All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours.

Orange Group Spin - averaging 22–24 kph and riding distances up to 70k on Saturdays and Sundays. All spins depart at 9am during summer hours and 9.45am during winter hours.