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BRAY NOTES - Bray wheelers

The Bray Wheelers held their annual general meeting on Thursday of last week in the Trades Hall, Main St., Bray. The meeting was attended by a large number of members.

Mr. J. Loughman (outgoing Hon Sec.) in his report, announced that the club had a most successful year and that prospects were good for 1957. He gave details of club events during 1956, and praised the performances of Peter Crinnion in the open 25 miles and in breaking club records, and Ronnie Coates, who did so well in the 8-day Tostal Tour of Ireland.

The club was proud of having had a team in the Isle of Man race. The outgoing Hon. Treasurer in his report gave details of club finances, and stated that the club funds were sounder in 1956 than they had ever been before. T

The following officials were elected:-Chairman, Mr. Loughman: Hon. Sec., Mr. M. O'Brien: Hon. Treasurer, P. Ryan: Press Sec., O. Cullen; Racing Capt., R. Coates: Officers, J. Kelly, R. Plunkett, P. Crinnion.

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