Christy McManus, Ronnie Coates & Pauline Walsh Memorial Races

Sun 16th June 2024

>> Eventmaster Link

  • Start: Arklow Rugby Club, The Oval, Ballyrichard, Arklow, Y14 Y752
  • Christy McManus: A2, A3 / 91km / 644m / 5 laps / start 10.00am
  • Ronnie Coates: A4 / 75km / 524m / 4 laps / start 10.05am
  • Pauline Walsh: Women W2, W3 / 59km / 408m / 3 laps / start 10.10am
  • part of the Women’s Commission Intermediate League 2024
  • Race neutralised for 6km until after Jack Whites. Finish: R772 straight
  • Photo of Women’s League, courtesy of Brendan Culleton

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Please see our comprehensive Race Booklet
16.06.24 RACE BOOKLET Christy Mc

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