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Here's what made the news in 2003

HARRY DAWSON RIP (1942 - 2003)

By Shane Stokes, Sept 11th, Irish Cycling

The funeral took place yesterday of former Bray Wheelers international Harry Dawson, who passed away suddenly after a training ride at the ... READ MORE

By Shane Stokes, Sept 11th, Irish Cycling

The funeral took place yesterday of former Bray Wheelers international Harry Dawson, who passed away suddenly after a training ride at the weekend. The 61 year old raced for many years and has a substantial list of achievements, including stage wins in the Tour of Ireland and five bronze medals in the national championship road race. "The news was a massive shock to me and the other guys in the club", said Phil O"Brien today. "Harry never stopped riding the bike and used to go away every summer to the continent and do big spins over there."

Harry was part of the crack Bray Wheelers team which dominated the Irish scene in the past. Those five bronze medals in the nationals were accompanied by numerous team golds, while he also took two stages in the Tour of Ireland, finished fourth in the same race, and also won events such as the prestigious Mountain Time Trial and the BSA Cup. He raced on many international teams and took part in the Milk Race, while in the latter stages of his career he rode the FBD Milk Ras and won the Gorey three day.

He was also chairman of the Bray Wheelers, a life member of the club, and drove the broom wagon during the Nissan Classic. "Myself and Harry started cycling on the same night in 1957", O'Brien remembers. "He had the best engine going, bar Peter Doyle. He was as strong as a horse. I remember one of the stages he won in the Tour of Ireland was the longest ever, there was a diversion on the road which brought the riders a different way than the original route and the stage ended up being 170 miles. He was away for about 40 miles with a group, which was gradually whittled down. He held on by himself to take the win.I remember you could see his number, he was so close at the end. The bunch were only about three seconds behind him."

"He was also very well known for being the first guy to the top of the Gap of Mamore. The climb was first brought in for the 1970 Tour of Ireland, and he was away with one other rider during the stage. He crossed the top by himself but was caught on the run in to the finish.I think he was fourth across the line."

"Harry was very solid, he was a real family man. He had five children and load of grandchildren. He was solid, honest and hardworking. He did shift work in the ESB for many years and always said that people who did those kind of hours died ten years younger than they should. Unfortunately he was right about that. I was very badly affected by his death, like the rest of the club. There was a huge number of people in the church both days, including one guy I hadn"t seen for about forty years, that says what kind of guy he was. He will be missed." Harry Dawson is survived by his wife Teresa and a large family. May he rest in peace.

Source: Irish Cycling

Year in Review - Getting ready for the AGm

The club had a great 2003 with lots of wins in all categories. Riders took home medals in all Leinster and track championships and one of our lady riders Rebecca O Connell qualified to compete in the ... READ MORE

The club had a great 2003 with lots of wins in all categories. Riders took home medals in all Leinster and track championships and one of our lady riders Rebecca O Connell qualified to compete in the B Worlds championships in Switzerland. One of the toughest stage races The Ras saw a five man team test themselves in the most severe weather ever experienced and all riders came home in good shape.

Bringing the year to an end a touring weekend took place to Wexford. With a large group taking to the Wicklow and Wexford roads the weather stayed in their favour and everyone arrived home in one piece.

One of our more senior members travelled to Manchester last weekend to test himself on the indoor track. Mick Kenny had a great weekend and would recommend the trip to anyone who is interested in track riding.

Some members joined up with neighbouring club Sorrento CC on a mountain biking trip to Wales. This was a brilliant weekend as all categories were catered for. Biking through the forests of Snowdonia, Coed Y Brennin is one of the best organised Òbikes only' forests anywhere and was enjoyed by all.

The club would like to thank everyone for making the club what it is today. We are one of the largest clubs in the country and hope that next year is as good and enjoyable as 2003. See you all on the 13th.

Source: Wicklow Times

Bray man Ben takes yellow jersey

Last weekend The Bray Wheelers cleaned up in a two-day stage race for category C riders.

Riding for Bray were Ray Crinnion, Declan Crean, Ben Delaney, Ross Mc Clure, Stephen Murphy, Ger ... READ MORE

Last weekend The Bray Wheelers cleaned up in a two-day stage race for category C riders.

Riding for Bray were Ray Crinnion, Declan Crean, Ben Delaney, Ross Mc Clure, Stephen Murphy, Ger Ivory and John Mc Dermott with manager Anthony Crean.

Friday evening took the riders on a twenty five mile race of five laps. From the gun attacks were constant and riding only his second open race John Mc Dermott took the first prime of the evening. Soon after Ben Delaney was riding strong in a ten man break. Huge support from the rest of the team aided the front group. On the finish line the gap was 21 seconds and in the sprint for the line Ben took 5th place. The bunch gallop was fast and furious with Ger Ivory taking 11th and Ross Mc Clure 12th.

Onto Saturday and an undulating thirteen laps of a two mile circuit set the Bray lads up for a great days racing. Again the first prime of the day went to Bray when Declan Crean destroyed the bunch to take the sprint. The king of the hills a competition in itself saw Ray Crinnion savagely attacking and on both KOH primes. Ray was untouchable and easily secured himself the king of the hills jersey. Racing never settled and at the half way point the decisive break went clear with Ben Delany perfectly positioned. The five man group worked hard together and maintained a comfortable lead. Into the finishing straight and the sprint began and on the line Ben took 3rd place which earned him not only a podium position but the overall winners yellow jersey.

Under age championships took place over the last two weeks. In the under 16 races Urban Monks and Aidan Murphy rode very well in their field. Competition was of an extremely high standard and over the three races points were accumulated to decide the overall winner. In the overall results Urban finished 9th and Aidan 21st. In the under 14 events Gary Rigley was riding strong in all events. The criterium race was especially good for Gary and on the line his sprinting ability gave him 3rd place.

To Dunlavin on Sunday last and the under 23 and junior road race championships took place. Avery testing day for all riders with the under 23's covering eighty miles and the juniors sixty miles of a hilly and technical circuit. Rain at the start of the races made conditions dangerous and unpleasant.

In the under 23 race Eamon Prendergast rode a great race. Chasing down a four man break Eamon joined the four and their joint efforts kept the break with a good lead. However strong teams from behind closed the gap and a bunch finish decided the medals and Bray man Eamon finished 15th. In the junior race Tom Duggan, Andrew Coyle and Paul Mc Mahon had to ride hard to test other competitors. Tom unfortunately punctured and this put him out of contention.

Paul attacked in the second half and in the final shake up finished just outside the medals.

Source: Wicklow Times

Bray Wheelers AGM

THE Bray Wheelers' AGM took place last Thursday with the majority of members attending.

Last seasons events were discussed and new plans were eagerly rolled out for the rapidly growing ... READ MORE

THE Bray Wheelers' AGM took place last Thursday with the majority of members attending.

Last seasons events were discussed and new plans were eagerly rolled out for the rapidly growing club with the highlight of the meeting being the announcement of the plans for a new club house this exciting prospect raised members spirits after the unfortunate proposal of membership increases.

New committee members were elected to including Derek Cunningham as Treasurer a popular choice for the position due to his commerce background and excellent interpersonal skills, Herbie Monks as Chairman, Gillian Martin as Sec- etary and Paddy Kelly as Public Relations Officer.

As cycling is in its off season at the moment the next club event will be the Christmas two up time trial where fancy dress in encouraged, the event starts at 10 o'clock Saturday December the 20th and a social evening is planned for Thursday the 20th in Frank Duffs Pub from eight till late all are welcome.

Mr Duff is one of the club's proud sponsers and without his help interclub races would not be feasible.

The members would like to thank the committee for there help making last season a great success and look for- ward to progressing further in 2004.

Source: Bray People - Thursday 20 November 2003


BRAY Wheelers Cycling Club lady member Rebecca O'Connell is one of six ladies to qualify for the World B Championships to be held in Switzerland next week.

Riding the track pursuit ... READ MORE

BRAY Wheelers Cycling Club lady member Rebecca O'Connell is one of six ladies to qualify for the World B Championships to be held in Switzerland next week.

Riding the track pursuit event Rebecca has put in a huge amount of training.
Travelling to England on several occasions she picked up an excellent fifth place on the indoor track.Training has has been tough with ex-professional Chris Boardman coaching and preparing the Irish girls for the games. The club wishes Rebecca the best of luck in the coming week.

To road racing and Wednesday 25 saw the Stephen Roche Grand Prix being the main event. Bray lads were out in force with 12 riders taking part.
Primes were sponsored every few laps and with tight corners and a huge field racing was at a very high level.

The Kelly brothers took this in their stride and on the second prime of the day Fergal found his sprinting legs and took the prize on the line. Attacks throughout the race proved nondecisive and in the finishing straight our man Paddy Kelly took 1st senior C. All other riders finished in the main bunch.

Last Thursdays interclub race was a handicapped hilly time-trial finishing on the top of a very foggy and misty Luggala. The winner on handicap was Eanna Mc Grath (Bray Wheelers), and the winner on actual time was David Peelo (Sorrento C.C.). Thursday the 3rd July there will be a club race at Calary at 7.15 pm.

Finally the club is delighted to see that one of our junior riders Tom Duggan has been select- ed to attend the first week of the Tour De France as a V.I.P.
Tom will meet all the top riders and see this great race as every other club member will only ever dream of.

Source: Bray People Thursday 20 November 2003

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