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Here's what made the news in 1978

Bray Wheelers News


A WORK party of junior and senior members of the Bray Wheeler under the direction of Pat Ryan and Paddy Martin travelled to a point on the saddle of ... READ MORE


A WORK party of junior and senior members of the Bray Wheeler under the direction of Pat Ryan and Paddy Martin travelled to a point on the saddle of Kirikee Mountain and Cullen- tragh Mountain where the famous Military Road crosses from Laragh to Glenmalure at a height of 1,245 feet on Saturday last. At this point is sited a memorial stone which was unveiled in 1971 as the result of fund operated by the Bray Wheelers to commemorate Ireland's greatest cyclist and Bray Wheelers president, Shay Elliott. The pur-pose of the work party was to re-erect the memorial which had tilted onto its back recently as a result of being undermined by water and the continuous high winds which have been very severe in the exposed mountain top area’s. The memorial was successfully raised and reset by means of a system of levers and full marks must be given to the junior members in the persons of Tony Martin, Paul Byrne, Stephen Gallagher, Brendan O'Callaghan, Paul and Alan Ryan without whose assistance the operation could not have been carried through. An added bonus for the work party which also included Tommy Clarke and Philip O'Brien was the Wicklow car rally which passed through Laragh and over the Military Road past the memorial stone.


As the racing season opens in March the training season is now in full swing. Paddy Martin has taken on the task of coaching the junior members and the training group under the coach's direction leaves Kileroney at 10 a.m. every Sunday morning. There are presently seven school- boy and junior riders training under Paddy's supervision and the club looks forward to reaping the benefit of this training programme when the racing season opens.


The touring section left Kicroney at 10.30am. under Jimmy Clarke and proceeds via the Rocky Valley to Mount Mauin where entry was made to the forestry for short trip on the forest roads in the hope that the Sika deer, which inhabit this area might be sighted. The group included Martin and Brendan Brereton, Des and Ciaran O'Toole Oliver Lacy, Donal and Garry and first-timer John Byrne who was made very welcome and found the pace very easy.

After re-joining the Mount Maulin Road, another detour was made which brought the group down to the floor of Glencree Valley where the Glencree river was traversed by means of a bridge consisting of four giant logs, to emerge from the forestry on the other side of the valley near Knockree Youth Hostel. The return trip was via Kilgaron and Enniskerry, The spin proved to be very popular in that it visited little-known paths and tracks within easy reach of Bray

The tour this Sunday will de part Kilcroney at 10.30 am. re- turning home for lunch and will based on highways and byways in the vicinity of Enniskerry, Kiltiernan and Ballcorous. This is an ideal opportunity for beginners for at no time will they be more than 6 or 7 miles from Bray.

The committee is delighted to announce that a film show will be held in the Club House on Thursday next the 26th and will include a film dealing with the training methods of the world's foremost cyclist and five times Tour De France winner. Belgian, Eddy Mercks. As far as the committee can ascertain this is the first time that this film has been screened in this country. This, and the other films to be screen- ed have been very kindly loaned to the Bray Wheelers by the Belgian Ambassador to whom the committee extends their grateful appreciation.

The three other films to be shown are: Belgium: which deals with the history of the country. Ardennes: which deal’s with the conservation of the flora and fauna of the Belgian Ardenness The Engraving of Fire : which deals with the production of beautiful firearms in Liege. The film show will commence at 8 p.m. sharp and is for club 1 members only by invitation.


The secretary wishes to bring to the attention of all members that application forms for racing licences to the Irish Cycling Federation, which must be processed through him, must accompanied by a passport photograph. This regulation applies to riders of all categories.

Subscriptions: The annual subscription present rates, £2, seniors and juniors and schoolboys £1, are due by the 31st of January and should be paid forthwith.

Source: Wicklow People - Friday 20 January 1978

8 Day Cycle Race will start in Bray

For the first time in the 13 year Sisters of the Raleigh-Dunlop Tour of Ireland, Bray will host the start of the 1978 event tomorrow (Saturday) when an international field of 100 riders begin the ... READ MORE

For the first time in the 13 year Sisters of the Raleigh-Dunlop Tour of Ireland, Bray will host the start of the 1978 event tomorrow (Saturday) when an international field of 100 riders begin the gruelling 8-stage test of endurance and skill.

But ironically it is the first time that Bray will not have a representative in the tour, which is now an established event on the international cycle racing

The choke of venue for the art race, was influenced by the efforts of Bray Wheelers and the generous sponsorship of the find stage by Tylers of Bray. The firm has donated a trophy for the stage winner, and prizes for the ten fastest competitors over the course.

The one mile time trial will start at the Band Stand and will finsh at the Pulland Road-Vevay Road junction.

The opening stage on Saturday is due to start at 6pm at the Band Stand on Strand Road. The competitors will be allowed off at half minutes interval and timed over the one mile course to the top of Putland Hill.

The signing on and the preparation of the competing riders will commence from 4 o'clock onwards at the gymnasium in Presentation College which has very kindly been made available to the Bray Wheelers by the Rev. Superior
Br. Clement

The field, which will be staying overnight in hotels and guest houses in the town is comprised of teams from Ireland, Northern
Ireland, a number of English teams, a Spanish Super Ser team which last year provided the overall winner, a French team, a Belgian team and an Australian-London composite team

Source: Wicklow People - Friday 08 September 1978


The major social function on the Bray Wheelers calendar was held in their
clubhouse last Friday night when the, parents, families and friends of members were invited along to attend the ... READ MORE

The major social function on the Bray Wheelers calendar was held in their
clubhouse last Friday night when the, parents, families and friends of members were invited along to attend the annual prize presentation.

Over 70 people were in attendance, this number being made up of a substantial number of interested parents whose presence added in no small way to the importance of the function particularly for the prize winners.

The evening's entertainment got under way with a slide presentation which covered the high lights of the club's activities over the past year in the various facets of cycling with which the club is involved. The main aspects covered were hostelling and touring trips to Aughavanagh, Glen of Imaal, Tiglin, Glenbride, Foulksrath Castle and a work party to Glendalough Hostel, followed by a series of slides covering racing activities and the re-erection of the Shay Elliott Memorial on Glenmalure last January.

he hgh pont of the sae sno was the organised cycling holday to Cork and Kerry which took place during August with ten participants. Many magnifcent slides of such beauty spot as Goughgan Barra, Muckross House and gardens, Torc Waterfail, Valentia Island and the Gap of Dunloe were rounded off with a series of shots of Kinsale hosts and harbour. Such was the impact of the holiday slides that a number of enquiries were made by parents concerning plans for next year before the evening proceedings drew to a close.

The guest of honour at the function who had come along and agreed to make the varlous ike presentations was Noel O'Neill of the Orwell Wheelers accompanied by his wife, Doreen and son Colm. Noel was, during his successful racing career a member of the Bray Wheelers for 5 or 6 years
and captured the road race championship of ireland as well as representing Ireland in the world championships while in the purple and white of the Bray

He is now deeply involved with the Orwell Wheelers in Dundrum and was one of the prime movers in establishing schoolboy racing in the I.C.F.

An extensive array of cups, trophies and medals were on display prior to being awarded to the recipients, the range of awards having increased in relation to previous years as a resuit of the introduction for the first time of the Tourist of the Year competition, based on a series of speed judging contests. This competition was designed primarily for the members involved
in touring and hostelling.

The main awards which were presented were the Best All-Rounder Cup which goes to the fastest man in the club Time Trials and was won for the first time by Paul Byrne from the Waterfall Gates, Enniskerry.

The Junior League had resulted in a tie between Ger Hayes and Paul Kelly two vastly improving riders from the who should make their names in open schoolboy races next season.

The Summer League Trophy which goes to the rider who consistently improves on his handicap times and is the major competition of the club calendar was won for the second year running by Brendan O’Callaghan a pupil of Presentation College.

Tourist of the Year Trophy was won by Tony Martin whose consistent involvement in touring and hostelling trips made him a very difficult opponent to overcome in this type of competition.

After he had finished presenting all the prizes, Noel O'Neill thanked the Wheelers Committee for nor invitation to bis wits and himself and expressed his delight at the turnout and the number of young riders receiving awards. He made particular mention of the Wheelers under 16 racing team members Paul Byrne, Brendan O'Callaghan and Martin Gilmore whom he had come to know very well during the season and felt that the Wheelers were well on the way back to their rightful position  as premier cycling club with up and coming riders of their calibre.

The secretary of the club Jim Clarke who was M.C. for the occasion, then made a presentation to Mrs. O'Neil on behalf of the club members and also presented Colin O'Neill with a Bray Wheelers cycle racing hat.

A very rare and special presentation was then made to the Wheelers longest serving active racing cyclist who has carried the club colours the length and breadth of Ireland for almost 20 years, and has brought the club fame at all levels of the sport.

Harry Dawson was presented with a certificate of Honorary Life Membership, only the third such award to be made in the club's 29 year history.

The secretary in concluding the presentations thanked Noel O'Neill for attending the function and also thanked the parents who had come along and helped to make the night a success and particularly the mothers and sisters who had provided the cakes for the party which was to follow. In this regard a big thank you was extended to the organisers of the refreshments, Mrs. Tess Martin and Mrs. Marie Clarke. In closing he paid a special tribute to Mr. Jack Gilmore whose dedication in ferrying the under 16 cyclists around the country every week during the season, had been a major factor in building up their impressive list of racing successes.


One last presentation, of a bone China tea set was made to Jimmy Clarke by Paddy Martin on behalf of the club members, for his work In organising touring and hostelling Jos over the past few years and particular for his organising and leading of the hostelling holiday in the South West this year.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the. presentations and parents and friends had an opportunity to discuss the club and its activities with the officers and members present.

Source: Wicklow People - Friday 10 November 1978

Bray Wheelers Report

Seventeen membars of Bray Wheelers will travel to the An Oige Hoste in Glendalough, on Saturday morning next for the weekend to carry out voluntary work to the hostel and its surround!ngs, in ... READ MORE

Seventeen membars of Bray Wheelers will travel to the An Oige Hoste in Glendalough, on Saturday morning next for the weekend to carry out voluntary work to the hostel and its surround!ngs, in preparation for the coming holiday season

Due to the world fame of Glendalough and the surrounding area as a Beauty spot, the hostel is one of the busiest in the country, particularly with the high number of visitors from the Continent and Ameriea. For this reason the hostel management committes of An Oige were anxious to have all the outstanding work on the hostel brought to a conclusion as soon as possible.

The Wheelers were Invitad to give a hand and the juniér members in particular must bé congratulated for the manner in which they so readily volunteered to forfeit their weekend for the purpose of making the hostel ready for the coming season.

Members whe are taking part in the work party are reminded that the group will depart from Kilcroney at 9.30 am on Saturday. 


Members intersted in taking part in the week's cycling holiday in Cork and Kerry in August are reminded that the ovemight fees must be paid to the secretary or touring captain by next Thursday the 6th April. The overnight fees ard as follows:

Under 30 years. £3.78. 16-20 years £6.80 and for senior members the cost is £10.15.

Overnight fees for the hostelling weekend to Tiglin on Saturday 20th Aprll, are due and must be Jue by Thursday, 13th April. This week-end will include a speed judging competition which will count towards the Tourist of the Year

There will not be an organised club run on Sunday morning due to the work party going to Glendalough Hostel.

Club night continues on Thursdays from 8pm to 10pm in the club house on Upper Dargle Road, new members are welcome.

Source: Wicklow People - Friday 31 March 1978

Bray Wheelers Club Notes

Thursday night last saw an epic struggle on the Wicklow Road when the ninth and final counting event in the Summer League was run.

Victory in this final counting event went to the club's ... READ MORE

Thursday night last saw an epic struggle on the Wicklow Road when the ninth and final counting event in the Summer League was run.

Victory in this final counting event went to the club's youngest competing member, 11 year old Bobby Moloney who has been a consistent performer throughout the season and has never allowed himself to be overawed by the bigger and more senior riders. In second spot was Ciaran Stirling followed in third place by Donal Byrne.

The fast men and contenders for overall honours in the league filed the next three places with Paul Byme who actually returned the fastest time fourth, Eamonn Doyle, fifth and Brendan O'Callaghan sixth. For the third year In a row the summer league has now been won by Brendan O'Callaghan who emerged the victor when the final points were added to the league table after Thursdays event with 63 points. in second place with 62 points was a rider who was competing for the first time and one whom the chub officials feel will be a stronger contender for honours in open racing next year. Third spot with 61 points went to the man from Mount Moulin, Paul Byrne who next season moves uo to the junior grade and Is quite capable with the proper coaching and guidance, of making the Junior International squad.

Fourth place. on 60 points went to Eamonn Doyle who has shown vast improvement this season and whom the club looks forward to having as a representative in the open races next season. Fifth and sixth places were filled by two of the younger contenders in the persons of Claran Stirling with 53 points and Bobby Maloney with 50 points.


The hostelling group to Cork and Kerry will depart next Friday August 11.00 from Kinnsbridoe Station at 5.05 p.m. for Cork. Members should all have current An Oige cards with them. Bicycles should bear a label with their name and address on them and the destination. A meeting of all participants will take place In the clubhouse next Thursday evening at 9 o'clock.

Source: Wicklow People - Friday 04 August 1978

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